You have probably heard of tech giants like Amazon and eBay. Well, Syscoin (SYS) is a cryptocurrency with an eco-system based on the same business model. To become a part of this amazing environment, all you need to possess is an ASIC device. An added bonus is the possibility of merge mining SYS alongside Bitcoin. Stick with us and you’ll learn all there is to know about profiting from Syscoin mining. The topics covered in our piece are the following: …more

  • Picking the right hardware – ASIC miner
  • Configuring your devices and software
  • Which are the best mining pools and how to pick one

Another way of acquiring SYS is through cloud mining , the pros and cons of which, we’ll cover in a detailed section

Why to mine Syscoin?

One key aspect of using Syscoin as means of exchange, is the extremely low fees. Combine that with the innovative blockchain infrastructure, which intertwines users and businesses, and you have yourself a coin with great potential. The goal of SYS is to be mineable and tradeable everywhere, thus allowing the creation of marketplaces like Amazon.

If you need further incentive to start mining Syscoin, you should be aware that it can be procured using the same hardware you may already own for mining Bitcoin. SYS’s Proof-Of-Work mechanism makes it possible to use application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs). Owning SYS coins is a chance for you to gain access to an unlimited inventory of items in a decentralized marketplace, which isn’t governed by corporate or political interests. Learn how to mine Syscoin in the following paragraphs.


What is the best way to mine Syscoin?

The developers of SYS have enabled the possibility of merge mining with Bitcoin. In a nutshell, Syscoin piggybacks the blockchain of BTC, further improving upon an already secure network. As such, it also uses the SHA-256 hashing function and the best way to mine is again ASICs. We compiled a list of the best miners for Syscoin in the mining hardware: section later in the article.

Every benefit we’ve already mentioned is further exaggerated when you start mining in a pool. We recommend you do so, as you’ll be able to receive a reward more frequently, compared to mining solo. Despite sharing your earnings proportionately with others, it’s more profitable in the long run. We’ve provided you with some of the best Syscoin mining pools in the next sections.

What do You Need to Start Mining Syscoin?

Mining requires powerful hardware, which will generate the needed hash rate for discovering the blocks in the chain and earn you some coins. To be able to do so, you would need to supply it with enough power, depending on the total consumption, and a reliable internet connection, so you can access the blockchain 24/7. What else? You require secure means of storing and moving your earnings – a crypto wallet. You can pick from online, desktop, hardware or paper variants. Our in-depth review on the different types of wallets can be found here.

To summarize the requirements:

  • Supported mining hardware
  • Reliable internet connection
  • Power grid with a high enough capacity 
  • A wallet – for managing your coins

What else to consider before start mining Syscoin

Mining gear produce a lot of heat and noise while working, ASICs especially. When you’re looking for place to host your equipment and create your mining operation, you will need to take those factors into consideration. To help you combat such issues, our team of experts has compiled an easy to follow Syscoin mining guide, explaining in detail what solutions there are available. You’re free to choose the best one for you.

In our previous paragraph we mentioned a reliable internet connection is required. To expand on the topic, we suggest having unlimited internet traffic, as one miner goes through roughly 15GB of data each month. Low latency is another added bonus, as in cases where you find a block at the same time as someone else, the one with less delay will be the first to send his result and get the reward.

To summarize:

  • Noise pollution – consider soundproofing
  • Heat management – proper cooling system if you plan to run multiple miners
  • Unlimited internet connection preferred


Which Syscoin mining hardware to buy?

Once you’ve decided that mining Syscoin is something you’d be interested in, the next logical step would be to pick out the best hardware for the job. For starters, you are looking to solve cryptographic puzzles fast and efficiently. Since this article is about the Bitcoin fork Syscoin, the best means of achieving the desired profits are ASIC machines. You can find our top picks in the table below.

Recommend Syscoin Mining Hardware

Halong Mining T1

Our choice
Halong Mining T1

Antminer S9i

Antminer S9i

Pangolinminer M3

Pangolinminer M3

When making the choice of which model to buy, pay attention to the miner’s hash rate, power consumption and of course the price of the device. Another vital point is the supported algorithm – if you’re browsing on your own for other models, make sure they’re designed for SHA-256, as if not – you won’t be able to mine SYS.

The information in the table of comes in handy not only when buying a miner. It is also useful when you want to calculate your potential income from mining Syscoin. Feel free to use our dedicated SYS calculator but do be aware that all results you receive are estimates.


Hardware and software setup configuration

Let’s assume you already have the device of choice, in your possession. For this example, we are using Antminer S9.

  • Step 1. Connecting the hardware

    • Take all wires from the PSU (power supply) and connect them to the three hashing boards and the control board of the miner.
    • Connect your machine to the internet through a LAN cable coming from your router.
    • Connect the PSU to the electricity network and your miner should start. Sometimes there is a little switch on the power supply and you will have to turn it on in order to start the machine.
    Image showing where to plug in the LAN, PSU and power conectors to an ASIC Antminer device.
  • Step 2. Choose a mining pool

    When you choose a mining pool, consider the pool fee and what the reward system is. We recommend using when mining for Syscoin.



    Server locations:

    Reward system: PROP
    Average fee: 0.5%
    Our choice



    Server locations:

    Reward system: PROP
    Average fee: 0.10%

    Want to know some more on pools and how to deal with them? Check the page where you’ll find everything you might need.

  • Step 3. Find the IP address

    To find the miner’s IP address, you can scan the network. There are numerous tools for that online. Otherwise, log into your router’s administration panel. There you should see a list of connected devices and their IP’s. Your device name should be named Antminer. Locate it and you will find the IP address. If you don’t have access to your router you can always follow the manual of the device’s manufacturer. Each of them has an IP Reporter tool which can show you the requested IP address by scanning the network and at the same time pressing a button on the miner’s control board.

  • Step 4. Login the web interface of the miner

    Pick a browser and type in the IP from Step3 and enter the web interface of the Antminer. When triggered, you will be asked for username and password credentials. In our case the default username is “root” and the default password – “root”.

    Тhe sign-in window of an ASIC Antminer software

    When everything is done correctly, you will see the miner’s main page.

  • Step 5. Enter the mining pool configuration

    After login you need to enter the mining pool stratum server, worker name and password in the Miner Configuration section.

    Antminer's configuration page with entered data for a Syscoin mining pool.


    URL: stratum+tcp://

    Work name: Your_Wallet_Address

    Password: -p c=SYS

  • Step 6. Save and start

    After a few minutes, you can view in the section “Miner status” for detailed information. If you see a hash rate, your ASIC working properly.


Syscoin Cloud Mining

To make it easier for you to understand and distinguish your way of mining, we’ve provided you with some pros and cons about cloud mining Syscoin.


  • noise and heat are off your shoulders
  • lack of spikes in your electricity bills
  • you don’t have to worry what to do with your hardware later on


  • many scams (like fake contractors, not real offers)
  • mining companies shutting down abruptly, due to financial losses
  • regarding miner optimization – less control and flexibility

Here are some reliable cloud mining providers, where you can lay your hands on Syscoin: NiceHash and Hashflare.

Of course, there might be few hidden conditions, for which you will have to pay an extra fee. You should include them in the calculations before you sign anything.

For a detailed guide on cloud mining, click here.


Syscoin Calculator

You can check your Syscoin profitability using our dedicated calculator. Type in the ASICs hash rate, power consumption and electricity per hour. As the cryptocurrency landscape is ever changing, we cannot guarantee that things like network difficulty, coin price and other factors will remain constant. In that line of thought, the values presented are valid only for the moment of calculation.

Disclaimer: Do keep in mind that all values provided in our calculator are estimates, based on the specific point in time of your calculation. As network difficulty, coin price and other factors change constantly, we cannot guarantee your earnings in the future.

Syscoin Mining Calculator
Hash Rate:
Power Consumption:
Power Costs:
Pool Fee:
Syscoin Price:
Block Reward:


About Syscoin

SYS is a combination of various interesting features. It is a kind of hybrid coin, which can be traded as a token as well. Since its launch back in 2014, the team behind has been working against the middle man and therefore getting rid of the solid fees for transfers. This one is fighting for lower transaction fees and it is working. This flexible crypto coin has another accessory worth looking at – the Blockmarket. It is functional and based on Syscoin blockchain technology. It is something like eBay and Amazon. You can even create your own virtual store and resell other people’s stuff for a commission. Nice, right?

Another step taken further refers to the wallet addresses. They are usually up to 34 characters and impossible to remember. Syscoin allows you to create a unique Alias for your wallet address. This can be title, name or some character specific for each user.

Syscoin team

It is legal to mine it, except in Algeria, Bolivia, Ecuador, Bangladesh, Nepal and Macedonia for the moment. There is another curve in the legal part – in some countries trading is legal, but you can’t use the cryptocurrency as a payment tool. Such are Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand. The rest are stimulating the future digitalization of currencies.

Syscoin regulations

It is legal to mine it, except in Algeria, Bolivia, Ecuador, Bangladesh, Nepal and Macedonia for the moment. There is another curve in the legal part – in some countries trading is legal, but you can’t use the cryptocurrency as a payment tool. Such are Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand. The rest are stimulating the future digitalization of currencies.


Roland Chase


Combining the value of his educational background in Hardware Management Systems and years of practical experience with cryptomining technologies starting at the birth of the disruptive innovation, Roland is now sharing his knowledge with the public.