How to mine HyperCash
HyperCash (HC) is created to focus on all the mining details within the network and how they fit in the whole picture. Its network makes transfers of values and information fast and safe. All that, combined with profit, gives you green light to start mining HC. Get some Nvidia GPUs (graphic processing unit), pick a few mining pools and jump in. In this article we will cover all you need to know about how to mine HyperCash. Here is a summary of the details we will cover in the article: …more
- The best hardware for mining HyperCash
- Software configuration
- Top HC mining pools
There is another way of mining for HC, known as cloud mining, where you pay a contractor to do the job for you. We will elaborate more on that later on in the article.
Why you should mine HyperCash
Let’s start with the HC cryptocurrency – it’s actually a hybrid. It’s the best of both worlds – you can benefit from mining it (PoW) and staking it (PoS). This crypto coin initiates the connection between micro- and bigger payments. It is secure and private, thanks to the zero-knowledge proof technology. Amazing plus to that is that it actually validates transactions, without revealing who you are. Your identity’s anonymity is backed up by the Directed Acylic Graph (DAG) – you can’t be traced, nor can be the path of your transaction. HyperCash is a best seller – safely operate with your coins. All that makes it the transformational currency of today.
What’s the best way to mine HyperCash
Having in mind the algorithm used by HyperCash – HC, the best way to end up on profit is mining with GPUs (graphics processing units). This will boost your efficiency as well. For the upgraded version of x13 + custom hash algorithm, extremely productive mining is possible via GPU rigs. Why not continue with picking an HC mining pool? This will add more power to the mining process, as combined efforts bring the best results for a short period of time and also helps keep the network decentralized and immune to attacks. On the contrary, mining alone is not at all beneficial way of earning HyperCash. The competition between your rig and the combined power of pools, almost never ends in your favor.
What you need to start mining HyperCash
Basically, the minimum requirements are related to the mining devices, internet and electricity. The latency is crucial for winning over a solved block. For example, you and one more miner break a block’s equation at the same time. You both send the information to the blockchain for approval. Whoever has the highest internet latency, reaches authorization first. HyperCash is online based, so it makes sense to consider having good internet connection with unlimited traffic. Here is a list with every aspect requiring your attention:
- Pick a hardware, compatible with your coin of choice – Nvidia GPU
- Reliable internet connection for 24/7 access to the blockchain
- A wallet – the official one is recommended
- Your electricity network – it’s Watts capacity must cope with the mining rigs’ one
What else you need to consider?
You can try mining HyperCash with some old cards, although we have prepared a few of the top performance GPUs in the best Hardware section of the article.
Important – all the machines used for mining, no matter ASICs, CPUs or GPUs, are pretty noisy. They produce excessive heat as well, which in most cases, is not very pleasant. We have prepared some step-by-step troubleshooting suggestions that you can find in our specialized page here.
Another piece of the puzzle is the wallet. We mention it because it plays a huge role in mining HyperCash. You can pick from desktop, online, mobile, paper or hardware options. More details on wallets and how to choose one, you can find in our specialized wallet page here.
Which HyperCash Mining hardware to buy?
In this table we have listed the top offers for mining HyperCash now, for gaining maximum profit:
Recommended HyperCash GPU Mining Hardware
Having these parameters in mind, you can easily estimate the profitability of your coin. Use the HyperCash mining calculator, but we’ll cover more on that in the following sections. Something important – all results from the calculations are accurate for the moment you press calculate. The numbers vary a lot and it won’t be practical to base your crypto decisions on old information.
Setup hardware and software
When you are done with assembling your hardware you can go through the steps of setting up your software:

01. Choose HyperCash mining software
Short list for you:
- BFGMiner – for Windows and Linux
- Fabulous Panda Miner – for Mac OS X
02. Step 2. Pick a mining pool
At the moment there is no mining pool available.
If you’re willing to have some more information, check the mining pools dedicated page.
03. Enter the wallet address and mining pool into the mining configuration
We always suggest downloading and working with the official coin wallet. You can download the one for HyperCash from their official webpage:
When you log in to the wallet, you can take its address and place it in your pool account. Like that, the rewards will be sent straight to you (to your wallet).
It is a good practice to check if everything is working properly. Log out and in again from your pool account, after registering the wallet. Place its address in the search bar and press enter. It should find it and show the activity. Small tip – wait for a few minutes before checking all that. It needs some time to accumulate all the information.
To mine HyperCash with good profit you can choose software compatible with Nvidia graphic cards. We can recommend BFGMiner, which you can download from here.
Example configuration string for Windows:
bfgminer -o stratum+tcp://yourpoolurladdress:portnumber -u Weblogin.WorkerName -p WorkerPasswordYou then need to change “-u Weblogin.Worker -p Worker password” to reflect your own account and Save the file as “RunMe.bat”.
04. Run the saved bat file and configure the auto startup.
With double click on “RunMe.bat” you will start the mining. If you would like to auto start when Windows boots up, drop the shortcut to your system startup. You can find the system startup folder in Windows 10 by going to: Start > Run and entering ‘shell:startup’.
After the hardware is up and running, you can think about the optimization. You can view our detailed guide in the hardware optimization section
HyperCash cloud mining
For HC this mining option is not possible for the moment. The specific HC algorithm isn’t supported by any provider.
HyperCash Calculator
This useful tool helps with the estimation of your HC mining profitability. It is easy to use and has a simple interface. What you need to do is just fill in some data:
- Your hashrate – the mining speed of your miners
- Your power consumption in watts
- The power cost– price for kilowatt per hour
- The mining pool fee
- Some people add the hardware cost as well
Disclaimer: The information from the calculator is accurate just for the time of estimation. It is good to use it right before you make a decision on a coin. The price of those coins changes over time, even daily. They stay the same only for a very short period of time.
How to mine HyperCash?
You can mine it with Nvidia GPUs – they give the best results.
Which algorithm is used in HyperCash mining?
HyperCash is using HSR hashing algorithm which is a combination of X13 + custom hash.
Can I mine at raspberry pi?
Yes, but we advise not to. It is not profitable at all.
Is it worth mining it?
This you can check any time with the HyperCash calculator.
Is it legal?
You can’t mine it in every country though. You are not allowed to do anything related to crypto coins in Macedonia, Algeria, Bolivia, Ecuador, Bangladesh and Nepal. It is not used as a payment method, but it is tradable in Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand.
Can I mine by my Phone?
Yes, there are mobile apps. Most probably it will harm your phone, so we don’t recommend doing it.
Is it safe?
If you are careful, you are most likely to be safe from unwanted scams.
Which are the best countries to mine?
The ones with low electricity fees like Australia, Japan, Germany and Spain.
About HyperCash
Its idea behind it is to create more options for communication between different blockchains. The exchange of services sometimes takes a lot of time and very often charges fees. What is more, these services are centralized. HC is a pioneer in the actions against all that. They aim to lower the fees and to remove the central authority concept. Another aspect that helps in that direction is the hybrid PoS/PoW system. It enables transferring the voting rights, which has led to the creation of the DAO (decentralized autonomous organization). Guess what? The organization is a close partner with HyperCash. The team behind this cryptocurrency work hard for a future, where blockchains are interconnected and values between platforms are transferred without any problems.
HyperCash team
The team is situated both in Australia and China. They are receiving some amazing university support. This is the reason why they remain anonymous to the crypto society. On their website you can see few of the members, just to show that they are working in the direction of unveiling the identity of the people behind HyperCash and Hcash. The departments are mainly divided into – management, technology, development, marketing, accounting, administration and accounting.